Markus Rechberger / DVD
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Digital Versatile disc

Multi Angle DVDs: DVDs mit mehreren Kamerapositionen

DVD Info

Title 1:
        In VTS: 1 [TTN 1]

        Title has 15 chapters and 1 angles
        Chapter   0 [PGC  1, PG  1] starts at Cell  0 [sector 4d-16168]
        Chapter   1 [PGC  1, PG  2] starts at Cell  1 [sector 16169-3a860]
        Chapter   2 [PGC  1, PG  3] starts at Cell  2 [sector 3a861-63234]
        Chapter   3 [PGC  1, PG  4] starts at Cell  3 [sector 63235-825bc]
        Chapter   4 [PGC  1, PG  5] starts at Cell  4 [sector 825bd-99e6e]
        Chapter   5 [PGC  1, PG  6] starts at Cell  5 [sector 99e6f-db12c]
        Chapter   6 [PGC  1, PG  7] starts at Cell  6 [sector db12d-101d00]
        Chapter   7 [PGC  1, PG  8] starts at Cell  7 [sector 101d01-13cd96]
        Chapter   8 [PGC  1, PG  9] starts at Cell  8 [sector 13cd97-17bf24]
        Chapter   9 [PGC  1, PG 10] starts at Cell  9 [sector 17bf25-1a4958]
        Chapter  10 [PGC  1, PG 11] starts at Cell 10 [sector 1a4959-1dd9a8]
        Chapter  11 [PGC  1, PG 12] starts at Cell 11 [sector 1dd9a9-2220e5]
        Chapter  12 [PGC  1, PG 13] starts at Cell 12 [sector 2220e6-2619bb]
        Chapter  13 [PGC  1, PG 14] starts at Cell 13 [sector 2619bc-294772]
        Chapter  14 [PGC  1, PG 15] starts at Cell 14 [sector 294773-2b441d]

Title 2:
        In VTS: 1 [TTN 2]

        Title has 1 chapters and 1 angles
        Chapter   0 [PGC  2, PG  1] starts at Cell  0 [sector 0-4c]

Title 3:
        In VTS: 2 [TTN 1]

        Title has 1 chapters and 1 angles
        Chapter   0 [PGC  1, PG  1] starts at Cell  0 [sector 0-4]

Title 4:
        In VTS: 3 [TTN 1]

        Title has 6 chapters and 1 angles
        Chapter   0 [PGC  1, PG  1] starts at Cell  0 [sector 0-15]
        Chapter   1 [PGC  1, PG  2] starts at Cell  1 [sector 16-2c3b]
        Chapter   2 [PGC  1, PG  3] starts at Cell  2 [sector 2c3c-3378]
        Chapter   3 [PGC  1, PG  4] starts at Cell  3 [sector 3379-75cd]
        Chapter   4 [PGC  1, PG  5] starts at Cell  4 [sector 75ce-8ff8]
        Chapter   5 [PGC  1, PG  6] starts at Cell  5 [sector 8ff9-8ffd]

Auslesen von DVDs

libdvdread, libdvdcss

Dateien >4GB Brennen

Mit mkisofs können keine >4GB großen Dateien in ein ISO File gepackt werden.

dd if=/dev/zero of=dvd.iso bs=1M count=4608
mkudffs --media-type=dvd --udfrev=0x0102 dvd.iso
mount -o loop -t udf dvd.iso /dvdimage
cp testfile.img /dvdimage/
umount /dvdimage

Eine DVD hat maximal 4.700.000.000 bytes (4.7GB) 4.377 GiB? bzw 4482MiB

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