August 28, 2024
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Welcome to ProWikiCenter, the meeting place for the ProWiki software community. ProWiki development started in 2001 and it has been in use at the German wiki provider WikiService without interruption, already supporting more than a hundred individual wiki community projects in early 2005. A German language support site is here, a French one is here. You can see some working examples of ProWiki here:

In March 2006 we turned ProWiki into an OpenSource (GPL) project. We expect additional energy and motivation from the international community and we will put even more energy and dedication into this project to make it meet the needs of the growing number of the ProWiki users.

For quick information:

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User interest (red=writing / blue=reading)
User interest (red=writing / blue=reading)
HelmutLeitner/Archives about WikiSchool Messages - march 2004

What is a wiki?

A wiki is a website where users can create and edit pages very easily. This means that is 10-20 times cheaper to create and update wiki pages than normal web pages. Sometimes wiki is called

  • a "authoring system for websites" or
  • a "simple content management system" or
  • "social software",
but is much more: wiki is a flexible tool for many applications.

Invite people to an open wiki and you get an OnlineCommunity. A closed, private wiki gives you an "personal information system" that you can access from any place in the world. Use a wiki to teach in a classroom or to manage a project. There are dozens of interesting WikiApplications. Users just open their favourite web browser and start to use the wiki. There is no download of special software. Users don't have to spend money. Wiki is fun.

A short wiki history

The first wiki site was created by Ward Cunningham in 1995. He invented the software concept, used it to found the Portland Pattern Repository online community, and he named the system WikiWikiWeb ("wiki wiki" means "very quick" in the Hawaiian language).

The wiki became very popular and a lot of people wrote similar software and created sites and online communities for various topics. The wiki idea began to spread. Now there are thousands of wikis containing millions of pages.

WikiService & ProWiki

WikiService was started in early 2001 to support wiki projects and became a high-quality wiki provider. We concentrated on the German countries (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) and made WikiService and ProWiki #1 in the German wiki community market. In 2006 we went OpenSource and now also offer our services to English and international users.

Wiki features

The fundamental wiki features are:

The ProWikiSoftware offers hundreds of additional features. See AdvancedWikiFeatures, FolderWikiFeatures, HowTo and HowToAdmin.

Wiki applications

There are many ways to use a wiki. Some typical WikiApplications are:

  • CommunityWiki -- grow an online community for some special topic
  • ProjectWiki -- an open or closed collaboration platform for a distributed project group
  • OrganisationWiki -- support a non-profit organisation to unfold
  • PersonalWiki -- get a PIM, a personal information system.
  • CityWiki -- build information systems for tourists and citizens
For more examples see WikiApplications.

English ProWiki Examples

ProWiki is flexible

Each Option that is used to configure a ProWiki is inherited by the child pages and may be redefined on any level and for any number of levels of the PageHierarchy:

Imagine the colors signifying access rights, layouts or user interface languages.

See: WikiFractality, OptionScope and WikiContextuality.

FolderStartingPoints FolderProWikiCenter