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Format, emplacement et alignement de l'image et du texte peuvent être choisis, tout comme la couleur d'arrière-plan. ---- [[title]Exemple] [[image]http://www.wikiservice.at/image/golden_gate.jpg [text='''Le texte s'écoule autour de l'image.''' Golden Gate, strait in western California, at the entrance to San Francisco Bay, separating the bay from the Pacific Ocean. The strait is 8 km (5 mi) long and narrows to 1 km (0.6 mi) in width. The famous Golden Gate Bridge crosses the strait to connect San Francisco, on the south, with Marin County, on the north. Although the English explorer Sir Francis Drake visited the region of San Francisco Bay in 1579 and a scout for the Spanish colonial governor Gaspar de Portolá may have explored as far as the Golden Gate in 1769, the first Europeans known with certainty to have seen it were a party of soldiers sent by Portolá in 1772. The American explorer John Charles Frémont gave the strait the name Golden Gate in 1846. ''(from: Encarta Online)'' ]] se génère à partir de l'entrée suivante : :<pre>[[image]http://www.wikiservice.at/image/golden_gate.jpg [text='''Le texte s'écoule autour de l'image.''' Golden Gate, ...]]</pre> ---- [[title]Paramètres] * [[yellow]distance :] permet le positionnement horizontal (par défaut: centré) ; ex. [distance=50] * [[yellow]background :] définit la couleur d'arrière-plan (par défaut : blanche ) ; ex. [background=lightgray] (cf. .. {{FR/CdmlNomsCouleur}} et {{FR/CodesCouleurHtml}} ) * [[yellow]width :] définit la largeur totale pour le texte et l'image ; ex. [width=600] * [[yellow]padding :] crée un espace vide supplémentaire autour de l'image et du texte, une réserve entre l'image et le texte ; ex. [padding=10] * [[yellow]align :] aligne l'image soit vers la gauche ou vers la droite (par défaut à gauche) ; ex. [align=right] * [[yellow]type :] peut être réglé entre "column" ou "surround" (par défaut =surround) ; ex. [type=column] ---- [[title]Plus d'Exemples] [[image][align=center][distance=150][width=500][padding=10][background=lightgray]http://www.wikiservice.at/image/golden_gate.jpg [text='''Le texte s'écoule autour de l'image.''' Golden Gate, strait in western California, at the entrance to San Francisco Bay, separating the bay from the Pacific Ocean. The strait is 8 km (5 mi) long and narrows to 1 km (0.6 mi) in width. The famous Golden Gate Bridge crosses the strait to connect San Francisco, on the south, with Marin County, on the north. Although the English explorer Sir Francis Drake visited the region of San Francisco Bay in 1579 and a scout for the Spanish colonial governor Gaspar de Portolá may have explored as far as the Golden Gate in 1769, the first Europeans known with certainty to have seen it were a party of soldiers sent by Portolá in 1772. The American explorer John Charles Frémont gave the strait the name Golden Gate in 1846. ''(from: Encarta Online)'' ]] [[image][align=right][distance=10][width=620][padding=2][background=#ffeeee]http://www.wikiservice.at/image/golden_gate.jpg [text='''Le texte s'écoule autour de l'image.''' Golden Gate, strait in western California, at the entrance to San Francisco Bay, separating the bay from the Pacific Ocean. The strait is 8 km (5 mi) long and narrows to 1 km (0.6 mi) in width. The famous Golden Gate Bridge crosses the strait to connect San Francisco, on the south, with Marin County, on the north. Although the English explorer Sir Francis Drake visited the region of San Francisco Bay in 1579 and a scout for the Spanish colonial governor Gaspar de Portolá may have explored as far as the Golden Gate in 1769, the first Europeans known with certainty to have seen it were a party of soldiers sent by Portolá in 1772. The American explorer John Charles Frémont gave the strait the name Golden Gate in 1846. ''(from: Encarta Online)'' ]] [[image][type=column][align=left][distance=150][width=500][padding=10][background=#eeffee]http://www.wikiservice.at/image/golden_gate.jpg [text='''Le texte est affiché dans une colonne à droite de l'image.''' Golden Gate, strait in western California, at the entrance to San Francisco Bay, separating the bay from the Pacific Ocean. The strait is 8 km (5 mi) long and narrows to 1 km (0.6 mi) in width. The famous Golden Gate Bridge crosses the strait to connect San Francisco, on the south, with Marin County, on the north. Although the English explorer Sir Francis Drake visited the region of San Francisco Bay in 1579 and a scout for the Spanish colonial governor Gaspar de Portolá may have explored as far as the Golden Gate in 1769, the first Europeans known with certainty to have seen it were a party of soldiers sent by Portolá in 1772. The American explorer John Charles Frémont gave the strait the name Golden Gate in 1846. ''(from: Encarta Online)'' ]] [[image][type=column][align=right][distance=100][width=600][padding=10][background=#eeeeff]http://www.wikiservice.at/image/golden_gate.jpg [text='''Le texte s'affiche dans une colonne à la gauche de l'image.''' Golden Gate, strait in western California, at the entrance to San Francisco Bay, separating the bay from the Pacific Ocean. The strait is 8 km (5 mi) long and narrows to 1 km (0.6 mi) in width. The famous Golden Gate Bridge crosses the strait to connect San Francisco, on the south, with Marin County, on the north. Although the English explorer Sir Francis Drake visited the region of San Francisco Bay in 1579 and a scout for the Spanish colonial governor Gaspar de Portolá may have explored as far as the Golden Gate in 1769, the first Europeans known with certainty to have seen it were a party of soldiers sent by Portolá in 1772. The American explorer John Charles Frémont gave the strait the name Golden Gate in 1846. ''(from: Encarta Online)'' ]] ----
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