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Explora Coeur En /
Explora Coeur But

The ExploraCoeur group is in the process of determining for its goal. This page will remain open for suggestions for the duration of the ExploraCoeur experiment

Suggestion 1 : "to pay for services"

Buying ExploraCoeur is a way to freely contribute to the experience. A gift of ExploraCoeur spontaneously acknowledges a good deed for the greater good.

Suggestion 2 : "paiment of services and donation"

This is only slightly different from proposition 1: a good deed for the greated good of the "collectif des explorateurs du Web et sympathisants"(group of web explorers and friends)is recognised through a donation to a charity chosen in advance, much like the Twollar system. The exchange rate only works one way: euro => exploracoeur => charity donation

Suggestion 3 : "to not have any goal"

Not to have any goal also is a goal. (Gao Xingjian). The very wise Chinese man Whao!See! translated this concept very simply : "The goal is not to have any goal, that's the way forward for Pinko."

Suggestion 4 : "To create an atmosphere of shared trust and solidarity."

To create an atmosphere of shared trust and solidarity. This implies full transparency in monetary exchanges. It also requires for members to know each other well and to share common values and visions of the future. The optimum and maximum number of players need to be defined.

Suggestion 5 : "towards open moneys"

The ultimate goal is the creation of a daily currency, both online and offline. Everyone would be able to use it according to their needs. If there is a need and a mean to achieve it, money should not be short. For this, we need to learn from past and present experiences.

(il est possible de se rapprocher de Dadinka pour ce partage d'expériences).

Suggestion 6 : "Solidary Market Place"

The objective of both proposals 5 and 6 is to create a network whereby needs and responses to these needs would be matched. On the first hand, this entails a sharing of values and visions, and on the other hand it is supported by the creation of a virtual market place using Twitter. Identifying a need and proposing possible solutions to address this need would be done through using Twitter hashtags. An important difference over traditional market places would be that the price of transactions would be set by requesters in a free and transparent way after the need has been addressed. Payment only serves as a voluntary reward or compensatoin without any prior tender.

You can make further suggestions here

Players can suggest both goals and rules (short description please). Those suggestions can directly be saved on this wiki page. Alternatively, you can email them to: exploracoeur@gmail.com before 23/03/09 20h00, French time.

Between the 24/03/09 20h00 and the 31/03/09 20h00, players can vote on Twitter for one or more goals they accept.

Votes will have to take the following form to be validated:

@exploracoeurexp je vote pour #exploracoeur #but 1 2 3 4 5
@exploracoeur I vote for #explorateur #but 1 2 3 4 5

Only one tweet per player will be accepted. After the vote, the experiement willbe conducted by the players still interested by the goal and the rules determined by the vote.

Cet espace de travail a pour objectif de promouvoir le PinkoMarketing en francophonie.

En bref
Si vous vous sentez l'âme d'un PinkoMarketeur, rejoignez-nous sur cet espace de collaboration. Nous serions très heureux de vous ouvrir les portes de ce site pour vous emmener sur l'initiative la plus importante après le cluetrain-manifesto.

Ce site est protégé par Helmut et demeure ouvert en édition si vous acceptez de vous présenter avec un VraiNom. Durant l'année 2013, nous projetons de recruter quelques nouveaux facilitateurs prêt(e)s à avancer sur LaVoieDuPinko.

En clair : pitcher du projet en vidéo afin de poursuivre les premiers efforts chaotiques amorcés lors de l'OpenCampParis1. Nous serions tous particulièrement bienveillants et prêts à aider pour avancer sur de nouveaux BlocsDeConstruction expérimentaux comme la définition de patterns pour rêve et chronorêves.

Et plus largement faire en sorte que quelques projets puissent rejoindre le DossierSuccès.


Outillage PinkoMarketeur

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