Squeak Smalltalk / Open Croquet
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(Korrektur, Normalansicht)
Hinzugefügt: 8a9,14
:: >>"Jasmine" is not a finished product. It is a developers' release of the open-source Croquet system and made available under the license described here. This release is aimed at experienced self-sufficient software developers who are comfortable working with unsupported software with minimal documentation. You should be prepared for the possibility that parts of the system may not work, and that programming interfaces and the software structure may change as the system evolves towards its alpha and beta releases scheduled for the latter half of 2005.<< http://croquetproject.org/Croquet_Technologies/downloads.html
=== Blogs ===
* http://jlombardi.blogspot.com/
Die neueste fleischgewordene Vision von AlanKay, siehe
http://www.opencroquet.org/. Allein wegen der Köpfe dahinter eine Seite wert:
Aus der Selbstbeschreibung: "Croquet is a combination of computer software and network architecture that supports deep collaboration and resource sharing among large numbers of users within the context of a large-scale distributed information system. Along with its ability to deliver compelling 3D visualization and simulations, the Croquet system's components are designed with a focus on enabling massively multi-user peer-to-peer collaboration and communication."
Wie seine Basis Squeak oder auch
Coast kann man OpenCroquet kaum noch als Anwendungsprogramm bezeichnen. Der Begriff Plattform wäre wohl treffender.
- Ich hätte mir gerne ein System in real angesehen, aber keines gefunden. Auch die Detailbeschreibungen und der eine Screenshot sind bemerkenswert vage. -- HelmutLeitner
- >>"Jasmine" is not a finished product. It is a developers' release of the open-source Croquet system and made available under the license described here. This release is aimed at experienced self-sufficient software developers who are comfortable working with unsupported software with minimal documentation. You should be prepared for the possibility that parts of the system may not work, and that programming interfaces and the software structure may change as the system evolves towards its alpha and beta releases scheduled for the latter half of 2005.<<
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